SHIPSAVE® Cooling and Boiling Water Tests

A cooling system is subject to pitting, corrosion, cavitations, erosion and electrolysis.


Extend the lifetime of the system by keeping corrosion in check.

Simple Test

CMT's test kits are designed to be simple and provide quick results for the user.

Engine cooling systems contain carefully blended additives that prevent scale deposits and corrosion of engine waterways. It is very important that the concentration of the additive is maintained at the correct level for optimum protection.

Although coolants are formulated to help prevent these problems from occuring, regular coolant testing and routine maintenance can help you achieve maximum system efficiency and save you time and money on less downtime, fewer repairs and determining proper drain intervals.

Marine Boiler and Cooling water kits will provide simple and accurate testing.

A boiler water system supplies steam for various processes such as pumping, heating, cooling, cleaning and hot water for accommodation.

Condensate is steam that has been returned to its liquid state. Steam, which is manufactured in the boiler, is used for various shipboard processes. Control of the condensate system is critical to the overall operation of the boiler. If the condensate system is not protected, corrosion will occur. Corrosion eats away at the metal in the pipes and equipment in the system. This can cause leaks in process equipment that can result in a process shutdown and expensive system repairs.

CMT test kits are very simple to use and will enable the ship's engineer to monitor scale and inhibitor levels accurately. Regular testing will allow rapid corrective action to take place, maintaining optimum operating conditions, minimise down time and reduce costs.

Cooling Test Kit

Product information

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Your Benefits

  • Manage all boiler related systems
  • Simple test for every staff member
  • Quick results
  • Saves resources

Ordering Information

310 Boiler Water Kit
Alkalinity (P) Tablets             250 pc.
Chloride Tablets                    250 pc.
pH Test Strips 7-14               100 pc.

309 Cooling Water Kit
Chloride Tablets                   250 pc. 
Nitrite No 1 Tablets             100 pc.
Nitrite No 2 Tablets              250 pc.
pH Test Strips 4-10              100 pc.

313 DEHA Kit
DEHA Test Solution 1          65 ml
DEHA Test Solution 2          30 ml
Comparator Unit

312 Hydrazine Kit
Hydrazine Test Powder       40 g
Comparator Unit

Ordering Information

Cooling Water Test Kit
Chloride 20 - 12000 ppm
Nitrite 10 - 2000 ppm
pH Test Strips 4,5 - 10 pH
No. of tests: 100

Marine Boiler Water Kit
Chloride 20 - 12000 ppm
P-Alkalinity 0 - 2400 ppm
pH Test Strips 7-14 pH
No. of tests: 100

Marine Boiler & Cooling Water Kit
Combines WTK-CT-80058 & -80015
No. of tests: 100

CMT Total Hardness LR & HR Drop Test
Range: (0-1200 ppm)

pH Meter
Range: pH: -2 - 16
Temp: 0 - 90°C
Accuracy: +/- 0.02 pH / 0.3°C
Test time: < 1 min
Reagents: non hazardous
Buffer Solution 4.0: WTK-CT-85014
Buffer Solution 7.0: WTK-CT-85015
Buffer Solution 10.0: WTK-CT-85016
