Sewage Water Test Kits

Protect environments and comply MEPC for your shiptype.


Protects ecosystems with monitored sewage as required internationally.


To comply with different regulations, CMT offers 3 different test kits.


The introduction of alien unrivaled species can destroy entire ecosystems.

To test the discharge of sewage treatment plants CMT offers a quick and easy drop test for testing the free chlorine content.

ISPPC (International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate) are issued upon successful inspection and are valid for 5 years.

For renewal and random inspections, maintaining the system operating requirements in line with the effluent standards will be required. With this in mind, the CMT Marine Sewage Effluent Test Kit will provide simple and accurate testing. 

Nowadays tests in the market are complicated and comprehensively. The Chief-Engineers almost need to have a chemist-degree in order to understand and execute the time consuming tests. The CMT Sewage Effluent Test Kits are simple and very user-friendly. To test the discharge of Sewage treatment plants, CMT offers a quick and easy drop test for testing the free chlorine content.

CMT offers three different versions of the Sewage Effluent Test Kits to better suit your needs.

  • Sewage Effluent Test Kit 1 complies with MEPC 2(VI) Commission before 2010.
  • Sewage Effluent Test Kit 2 complies with MEPC 159(55) Commission since 2010.
  • Sewage Effluent Test Kit 3 complies with MEPC 159(55) & 227(64) for all passenger ships.

Regular testing will allow rapid corrective action to take place if required, helping to maintain optimum operating conditions, minimum down-time and reducing costs. Ultimately the Marine Sewage Water Test Kits will aid compliance with MARPOL Annex IV.


Product information

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Your Benefits

  • Compact and portable
  • Easy compliance with health and safety regulations
  • Simple step-by-step instructions
  • Fast results

Ordering Information


Sewage Effluent Test Kit 1
Complies with MEPC 2(VI)
Commission before 2010

Sewage Effluent Test Kit 2
Complies with MEPC 159(55)
Commission 2010 and later

Sewage Effluent Test Kit 3
Complies with MEPC 159(55) & 227(64)
All Passenger Ships

Sewage Effluent Consumables Pack 1

Sewage Effluent Consumables Pack 2

Sewage Effluent Consumables Pack 3

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